Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Photographic Diploma!!!!

For those of you (and English speaking friends) who are not on Facebook, I did a totally mad capped thing. I enrolled myself at the Ruth Prowse school of Art for a 3 year diploma.

Before you start laughing - I will at first do just the first year, and then see whether I want to, or can proceed. My dearest and nearest, Pieter, is not totally in love with my endeavour. But he is keen to keep me happy, so we will see. Missing out on travelling is going to be the hardest part, but I am sure we will be able to manage something! Having less time for coffee / chat / movies / reading, will also be a pain. The driving everyday to Cape Town and back is going to be very hard.

I shall try to keep you in the loop, by posting some of my photo's that we have to take for class. The second day (I have only had 2 days) we had one late afternoon and evening to do 5 to 10 photo's. They had to be from an interesting angle, lighting etc. Also lots of colour, out of the ordinary. That is enough to let my head go to a standstill. We had a dinner in Hout Bay that evening, so time was short. At tea break I ran around the block at school and got the following:

Marli, my daughter in law, then had to pose for me before the sun went down.

Keep thumbs for me, it involves a lot of sitting on the floor, and with an eina knee and old limbs, this takes getting used to. If I think how much I used to sit on the floor...