On September 2 ,1812 Napleon entered Moscow, and on September 3 , fires started that destroyed nearly all existing wooden and masonry buildings. On 6 October he started with drawing, and in this month he lost about 70 000 men to starvation, illness and skirmishes.
10 million people live Moskow, or Mockba, as they write it in their Cyrillian writing. The boulevards are extremely wide, and they mostly drive at 140 kph on the big roads and 80 to 100 kph in the city, which is quite scary. It is also a mess of one way streets, so the taxi really struggle to get somewhere.
The shops are hidden away behind the old buildings' small windows, with signs in Russian, so you will walk past them and the restaurants without noticing. Everything is very spread out, with no central concentration of shops.
The view from one of the hotel windows. There are beautiful old churches dotted all over.
Stalls with Russian fur hats and the stacking dolls, the Matrioshka dolls. I WANT one, even though I do not have a place for nick knacks. How come men do not understand this! I ALSO want a fur hat!
Which ones to choose? I have girls at home!
Old people on the street:
At a restaurant I got my latte in a cup like this:
I played with this photo, using some apps on my ipad, what fun!
Next, the red square!
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