Thursday, May 26, 2011

Zurich, and finding a hotel.

I hate a gps, there, I have said it. Yes, I do know that at times it is vital. When we have one, I do not get to buy a map, so I cannot disorientate myself. When you press "find local hotels" it gives you a list of names and their distances, but not their star status. I do not think that one will easily get a yucky hotel in Switserland, but still...

Let me tell you something about my old dustbin, he does not like to sukkel (struggle). Specially not driving around from hotel to hotel until we find one that balances the niceness with a reasonable price! So the first one we find has recently been torn round. We really struggle to find the next one, very uphill with lots of little turns. But we strike the jackpot!

A Brand new hotel reasonably priced, magnificent views and very very good food. How lucky can you get!

Here Piet is sitting in our room, in his usual position, behind his computer:

Now it is off to Russia!
See you there, it will be Moscow first.

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