Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Oh my oh my oh my...... My first motorcycle trip...

I arrived last night at about 9o'clock at the children's apartment. Promises of going out to eat when I got here, had me weak around the knees, because I was so tired. Fortunately my son cooked  a delicious meal, we had a great time chatting, my other son also came over, until I fell over and slept the sleep of my life!

On THIS mattress:

It is actually 2 mattresses, one rock hard one and a softer bedroll on it. I wondered about it, and the children had a hard time finding it. But I slept like a baby. And I love being in the middle of cooking, tv, talking...

This morning my youngest son came to fetch me on his very old manual bike. Now I know how terrible the traffic in the East is, but I have always been sitting inside a car... This was quite terrifying, a crossing is something you seem to just do, and other people must watch out... I quickly learned not to look, because I would have scared him constantly with screaming "careful" or "nooooo"

He took me for coffee in the oldest coffee bar in Hanoi. It opened in 1946. I had my first egg coffee - yes, raw egg is whipped into the sweet coffee - absolutely delicious! 

Later we went for cold coconut coffee - divine!

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