Friday, January 14, 2011

The Agra Fort.

When Akbar built the Taj in memory of his beloved second wife, it took 20 000 people and 10 000 elephants and
22 years to build. akbar started to plan a second one, this time in black marble. His people became disgrunteld and his youngest son took his chance and jailed his father in the Agra Fort.

It was bitterly cold, about 1degree. Karin and Nicole said that since we have a long day of driving ahead, we must not spend more than one hour at the fort. Famous last words, these 2 crocs were so overwhelmed with the fort, we stayed two and a half hours.

You can see that me especially, is freezing!
Nicole also started to feel the cold:

We were the taken to a shop where the descendants of the people (they are Iranian) who did the delicate work on the Taj.

Some more on the nightmare ride to Orccha!

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